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Submitted by Dennis on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 14:44

I have have used the GalilTools a few times now. I bought the full version before I discovered that there was not a Goto Label funtion. I will stay with Smart Terminal until this is resoved. But I wanted to share some comments.

Problems or required missing functions.
1. Missing Goto Line and Goto Label function. An absolute requirement when working with large programs!
2. Usually timeouts when watch function first enabled. Regular timeouts with watch on. A timeout will force to reconnect with controller. Program should automatically reconnect. There is no method to adjust timeout.
3. No CAP lock selector
4. Cannot adjust height of immediate command window.
5. There is no place to include user variables in the Watch window.

1. Support tab key for line indentation in programs. ( I noticed you stopped stripping leading spaces during download in this version. Great!)
2. Provide auto indentation function.
3. Provide means of changing poll time period.
4. When terminal response window is scrolled up, do not force back to bottom when an unsolicited response is received. The current behavior makes it impossible to review history when the running program is streaming status messages and data.
5. Provide hyperlinked command reference

What is the polling period for unsolicited messages or is it event driven?

Comments 4

Galil_DJR on 01/23/2008 - 15:19

Outstanding comments and suggestions. We are currently in the process of specifying GalilTools 2.0. All of these features are already currently under consideration. Great to hear we are on the right track!

can you please clarify:
Section one above:
2.) Which controller are you using, how many axes, and what communication method (PCI, serial, Ethernet, etc)?
4.) Can you please elaborate? Do you mean the input textbox?

Second section:
1.) The editor does allow tab key indentation (please elaborate):

IF (1)

0 IF (1)
1 MG"True"
3 EN

Answer: 100ms poll loop

Galil_DJR on 01/23/2008 - 15:22

oops, the BBS filtered my tabs above. A Tab before MG"True" did get down to and back from the controller.

0 IF (1)
3 EN


Dennis on 01/24/2008 - 18:20

2) I am having the problems with a 8 axis 2183. I will try it with a 3310? (sp) and a 4040 tomorrow.

4) The text input box cannot be increased in size from the single line. It is helpful sometimes to see command history without using dropdown or looking at the response window.

Section 2:
This is not a big deal, but the tab key generates two space characters. I would like to increase the size of the indentation, but the extra spaces could increase the length of the line over the 80 limit or reduce the space in the controller. A single tab character, representing a programmable number of spaces in the editor would be better.

When might we see addition of the Goto Label function added?

Dennis on 01/24/2008 - 18:44

When you reconnect to the controller after a timeout, the scope configuration returns to its default state.