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Submitted by mravitrivedi on Sat, 01/09/2016 - 04:12


I would need to obtain the tools required for simulator environment for galil controller DMC2280. Can you please provide some pointers for getting simulator environment?

I need the tools for windows-xp. I assume tools would be in a position so that I can compile for any changes in dmc files. Thanks.


Comments 1

KushalP on 01/04/2017 - 16:27

Hi Ravi,

Using Galil Tools you would have access to the terminal, editor and watch tool. With these tools you could test out your DMC program. To simulate motion you could profile motion without motors connected, and check the reference position (RP) values. This would allow you to run your DMC code, and see what type of motion is being profiled. To simulate I/O you could tie the Digital Outputs to the Digital Inputs and use the SB / CB commands to toggle the Digital Inputs.