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Submitted by Gino on Mon, 03/09/2015 - 10:45

I cannot connect Matlab and Galil using the HelloGalil code included in note 4424. The error I receive is:

Error using feval
Server Creation Failed: Class not registered

Error in actxserver (line 86)
h=feval(['COM.' convertedProgID], 'server', machinename, interface);

Error in GalilTestConnect (line 2)
g = actxserver('galil');%set the variable g to the GalilTools COM wrapper

I have found some examples where this error was caused by running a 64-bit version of Matlab and trying to access a 32-bit version of the COM. I do, in fact, have Galil running in 32-bit and Matlab in 64. Before I try to change my version of Matlab, I figured I ought to look for some verification that this is the source of the problem and that changing to 32-bit Matlab will fix it.


Comments 1

Gino on 03/11/2015 - 10:25

For the curious: installing a 32-bit version of Matlab has allowed the HelloGalil example to function. I no longer see the error that I asked about above.

I do, however, still get an error when I try to run the next example in the documentation. One step at a time, I guess.