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Submitted by baojie on Sat, 08/30/2008 - 01:38

There are some problems when I am tuning the sevro motor. I'll be very pleasure if you help me to explain it in-depth.
The sevro motor was in velocity mode. As I know before that "When a drive is left in velocity mode it allows moretuning in the system but it can also cause conflicts or instability when there is two velocity loops, one in the controller and one in the drive." As the result of sevro tuning, the linear motor did a bad performance. Either the tracking error is large much as 100 micrometer, or the positioning time is up to 300 millisecond.
In my understanding, we can say there are two PID systems. One is in the controller such as the parameter KP,KI,KD and so on, the other is in the motor driver. These two systems take effect on each other. How can I adjust them? How can the sevro system achieve a good performance in order to improve transient response times, reduce the steady state errors and reduce the sensitivity to load parameters?
Thank you .

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