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Submitted by Ecomod on Wed, 01/07/2015 - 08:08

I have a DCM 1040 that was working into an old computer that is broken. I have a new one (with ISA) where I try to connect the galil. To reconize the Galil I select the IRQ 10 (as the manual's indicate) but the problem is that the value 200-203 of the I/O range are used for a resource of mainboard. So is no possible to reconize the galil. Is posible to use another range of values? and wich is the correct position of the swichs for this values???
With the IRQ = 10 and values 200-203, I have all the swichs on the top position

Comments 1

troym_galil on 01/08/2015 - 16:54

A utility that I think you will find helpful is the Windows "System Information" program. Open it up and check the "Hardware Resources" section. There will be an I/O section and IRQs section to see what spaces are available.

Check out the DMC-10x0 manual for the instructions to change the address with the DIP switches.
