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Submitted by ASMSBIRI on Fri, 11/04/2016 - 22:43

I have a DMC-4080 motor controller, part number DMC-4080(ISCNTL)-C022-I000(BISS)-I000(SSI)-D3140(SSR)-D3640(ISAMP). On Axis A, I have a voice coil motor attached, with a Renishaw 32-bit absolute rotary encoder. The Renishaw is adjusted so that the alignment indicator light is always green (very good) or blue (excellent). While I turn the motor shaft, the encoder readings stay positive until the midpoint, when they turn negative. In other words, the readings go from 2,147,483,648 to -2147483647, -2147483646, -2147483645, and so on. This indicates to me that there is something wrong with the way the highest bit is being communicated. Is there something wrong with the controller or the encoder?

The commands I sent are:


Comments 1

KushalP on 01/25/2017 - 16:47

Hi Asmsbiri,

The controller's BiSS resolution is up to 31 bits, any position past that will result in a roll over. This is why you are seeing the counts go at midpoint. Is your encoder a 32 bit encoder for single turn resolution, or multi turn?

You can also email me directly at kushalp at galilmc dot com