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Submitted by vvv on Mon, 03/07/2011 - 05:58

Hi all.
I use DMC-4040 in Linear Interpolation mode and PVT mode.

I want to ask how to properly tune the system?
In Linear Interpolation mode I use PID and FV. KI is set to 0 and with FV I eliminate the position error. With this settings in high speed of motion I note some vibration.

In PVT mode if I use FV then the movements are not smooth, I note some strokes during motion, if I set FV to 0 then the movements are smooth there are no strokes during motion.

I wander what is the impact of FV in LI and PVT mode of motion?

Should I use just KP and FV, or something else?
Which is the best way to tuning the system?


Comments 1

Galil_AndyH on 03/07/2011 - 11:10

Use the GalilTools Scope to plot d/dt of _RP (velocity) with the PVT mode. I believe you will find that there are discontinuities in the velocity output. This will be because of the parameters you are putting into the individual PV commands. Because FV is based upon profiled velocity, discontinuities in profiled velocity will cause a discontinuity in motor command output.

You should be using KP, KD and KI. FV may be required for your application. For help on tuning start with one of the two application notes listed below.